Wednesday, 6 August 2008

My internship in Bangalore so far

Thanks to my dad, who seems to have no faith in my judgement, I am interning at HAL, Bangalore, and I absolutely hate it. A brief summary of how I have felt so far, day by day, is provided below:

Day 1 (31-07-2008)

Arrived. Don't fancy the place so far.

Day 2 (01-08-2008)

Hate Bangalore and hate HAL

Day 3 (02-08-2008)

REALLY Hate Bangalore and hate HAL

Day 4 (03-08-2008)

No public Wifi anywhere nearby, and nearest cybercafe about 10-12 km away. One hell of an IT city, this...

Day 5 (04-08-2008)

Hate Bangalore and hate HAL in a different department

Day 6 (05-08-2008)

Experimental observation of the day: My shoes are not suitable for Dorothy's "I want to go home" shoes/slippers trick.

Lone Bright spot: meeting my sis' old college classmate who's working here for dinner

Day 7 (06-08-2008)

I now really appreciate all those other moments that I have been miserable, cos this beats them hollow. I haven't been able to cry properly since I was 12 but I have a weird feeling it will happen sometime in the next 2 weeks.
But my misery doesn't mean I will leave. If I have anyway had to survive so far, I might as well go through with it so I can show it on my CV. Now, I will either make it until 21st or die trying! By the way, the odds of the later happening aren't as slim as one would expect. My once-buried suicidal tendencies are starting to rise again, and even if they weren't there, it's hard to eat food if one is too miserable to muster up the force to enable one's glottis and epiglottis and oesophagus to move food down. So how will things pan out? We'll see...


Unknown said...

Hey Kunstgriff
Dude that's a scary post. I just moved to Bangalore as well and am searching for wifi hotspots like a man possessed. This post came up on google on one of these mad hunts and I had to comment.

If you need to meet people or sumn, drop me a line (think you can see my email address). My friends are here from Hungary and we are all trying to adjust to the insanity of this city. For the most part, we really like it though.

Good luck with your trip.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Abhi... to be fair to Bangalore, the place itself isn't bad. I might have enjoyed it a bit if it wasn't for the waste of time at HAL. I still do, however, have grievances about the lack of public wifi, the public transport, and the somewhat insane road designing...

Unknown said...

Hey Wik
So are you still around in Bangalore?

Man you have no clue abt the public wifi. We depend on the internet to work, so when the power cuts happen, we go hunting for wifi within a 5 km radius!

Unknown said...

interesting... all the old wifi hotspots near the place I was staying have since stopped using wifi (damn you, CCD!). I was so happy at the airport today when I got free wifi there... hope wimax picks up in Bangalore, and hope HAL picks up on it. Found some shop near 100 Ft Road that was advertising the Wimax systems it was selling. As for me, well, I have left Bangalore